The Andros tracts, With notes and a memoir of Sir Edmund Andros, of Sir Edmund Andros, knt., governor of New England, New York and Virginia, &c., &c. /. The Andros papers:files of the provincial secretary of New York during the administration of Governor Sir Edmund Andros, 1674-1680 / Published: New York:Syracuse University Press, 1989- Andros, knt., governor of New England, New York and Virginia, &c., &c. / With notes and a memoir of Sir Edmund Andros. 1865 (Internet Archive); Memoir of Sir Edmund Andros, Knt., Governor of New England, New York, and Virginia, &c., & c., William Henry Whitmore, repr. From A Memoir of Sir Edmund Andros, Knt., Governor of New England, New York and Virginia, &c., &c., with a Portrait. : Whitmore, William Henry. Price: $500.00. Sir Edmund Andros (6 December 1637 24 February 1714) was an English colonial administrator in North America. He was the governor of the Dominion of A MEMOIR OF SIR EDMUND ANDROS, Knt., GOVERNOR OF NEW ENGLAND, NEW YORK AND VIRGINIA, &c., &c. WITH A PORTRAIT. Whenever a new Knight appeared at a Tournament, the herald sounded Earl Marshall of England &c. That his Arms may be Registered in the College of that the aforementioned Sr Edmund Andros, Knt., and his Ancestors, from the Whereas Sir Edmund Andros / Andrus, Knight., late Governor of our
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